Thursday, January 2, 2014

Taking the Dustpan to My Life

I would like to pretend I don't do New Year's Resolutions. Announcing newly set goals and labeling them as your personal NYRs is akin to slapping a Post-It on your back that screams "weak" or "noodley," someone who lacks the gumption to stick to good life choices on a consistent basis and needs to declare significant changes to better his life because it's currently in shambles. I've heard the argument, "Why wait until January 1st to make changes to your life?" My counterargument is, why not take the New Years as a convenient opportunity to introspect and find ways to make our lives more fulfilling to ourselves and those around us? Now that I've justified my own reasons for making some resolutions, I'll outline ways in which I want to make the most out of my life moving forward from today:

  • Learn to manage my finances like a real adult. Budget and actually stick to it. 
  • Live and eat more cleanly. 
  • Gain more self awareness of how the things I say affect those around me. 
  • Finish the things I have off before purchasing new, shiny things. 
  • Push myself more in yoga, running, and CrossFit for notable improvements.
  • Increase my cooking skills and expand my repertoire. 

I plan to itemize and clean out my pantry/fridge and organize all my kitchen supplies. This is a daunting task, but one that ultimately needs to be done. It will inspire me to cook more often, make the house cleaner, and keep me from running out to the store all the time to buy duplicate ingredients I already own and waste money. 

I started Whole30 on the 1st and plan to continue it throughout the month of January. I'm trying to slay my inner sugar demon, because while I generally am very good about eating healthy, I have an insatiable desire to eat sugary foods, which I need to curb since Type II diabetes runs in my family, and I just want to feel better on a day to day basis. If I succeed, I'm finally going to get myself a new pair of workout kicks! The ones I've been using for everything (CrossFit, running, biking, hiking, God knows what else) I've had for 2.5 years and have seen better days.

I'm trying to think before I do anything. Speak, make purchases, compose emails, make plans. I need to become comfortable with saying NO to some things and YES to other things. This sounds really vague, but I want to live my life with more defined purpose overall. 

I received 11 new cookbooks in the last month (!). I'm running out of bookshelf space, and sadly I haven't cooked out of at least half of them. I aim to learn more cooking techniques and challenge myself with difficult recipes I've previously been afraid of trying out (such as croissants, butchering a whole chicken, souffles, roasts). Cleaning the kitchen will be a great first step towards this goal. 

I'm going to try and do a better job at tracking my workouts, since it'll be hard to set goals if I have no idea where I'm at or what I'm doing. 

Today's WOD:
  • Split Jerks (1-1-1-1-1-1-1): 70 lb. max 
  • MetCon (2 rounds for time): 24:12 
    • 800m run
    • 40 push-ups
    • 50 sit-ups
    • 60 air squats
Yoga tonight! I haven't been since before Thanksgiving (yeesh), this is going to be goooood...

1 comment:

  1. Nice first post, I like the name you came up with for this blog too. Does this mean you'll abandon Le Pixels Quotidien? And how are you not THE Iron Chef by now? Diabetes better hope you don't find it in a dark alley, you sound pretty fit!
